Calathea Makoyana | 130mm
Calathea Makoyana | 130mm

Calathea Makoyana | 130mm

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Evergreen, clump forming foliage plant with striking leaves that are pale green with dark green markings on the foliage with reddish purple markings underneath. Each leaf has very fine lines running from the central vein in a V-shape to the leaf edges, along with elliptic patches of dark green on the upper surface and deep maroon on the underside. Also apart of the Prayer plant family, their leaves will turn up at night and then open again in the morning.

    growth CARE LEVEL  Medium
    water WATER - Allow soil to dry between watering
    - Keep soil well drained
    - Liquid feed during warmer months
    sun LIGHT

    ✓ Bright to Moderate Indirect Light

    size PLANT SIZE  Up to 30cm
    pet PET FRIENDLY  Yes