Chamaedorea Seifrizii | 130mm

Chamaedorea Seifrizii | 130mm

Regular price $12.00 Sale price $16.95 Unit price per

The Bamboo Palm will bring a tropical flair to your indoor space. It is easy to grow and thrives in low light conditions. It is great in pots indoors or in a shaded spot in your garden. Adding a Bamboo Palm to your house will help to purify the air and add a pop of colour to any space.

    growth CARE LEVEL  Easy
    water WATER - Allow soil to dry between watering
    - Keep soil well drained
    - Liquid feed during warmer months
    sun LIGHT

    ✓ Bright Indirect Light

    ✓ Low Light tolerant * 

    size PLANT SIZE  Up to 1m
    pet PET FRIENDLY  Yes

    *These indoor plants can tolerate lower light conditions, but thrive in moderate to bright indirect light.